Ready to Tackle High-Impact Problems?

Join the AION Building Track to Develop Innovative Solutions for Critical Pharma Needs and Create Your Own Company!

Challenge-based company creation track

Receive mentorship, resources, and funding
to transform your solutions into successful startups.

1. Explore AION Labs’ Challenges
Review our published challenges, where industry leaders define unmet needs in drug discovery and development.

2. Apply for the Challenge
Submit your application to participate in AION Labs' workshops, aimed at building companies that address these predefined challenges.

3. Join our Collaborative Workshop
Join a workshop to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions alongside leading scientists, tech experts and investors, with guidance from pharma industry leaders.

4. Present your Solution to the Scientific Investment Committee
Follow a clear, structured process from initial challenge presentation to final approval and potential funding.


I have my own great idea. What is the advantage of joining AION Labs vs trying to create my own company?

How is AION Labs different from any other incubator / accelerator?

How is equity distributed between AION Labs and my startup?

I am not sure I can come up with a great proposal in the time provided, what should I do?

I am not sure which role to apply for, Group Leader / Scientist Founder or Postdoctoral Researchers / Scientist Co-Founders. Can you explain the difference?

Is the workshop fully paid for by AION Labs?

Do I have to attend the workshop physically or can I participate remotely?

How many people are invited to the workshop?

What should I expect in the workshop?

As a group leader, what happens after I win the workshop?

Can my company grow beyond the initial team?

Have an Innovative Solution Ready to Scale?

Have a great technology or a unique approach that you believe can address a major drug discovery or development challenge?

Early-Stage Startups / Technologies Transitioning from Academia

Bring your existing technology or early-stage startup to AION Labs for validation and development.

1. Technology Review
Startups or academic innovators present their technology or idea to the AION Labs team for evaluation, assessing feasibility, potential, and alignment with unmet industry needs.

2. Partner Feedback
AION Labs gathers feedback from its pharma partners on the relevance and potential of the technology, refining the Product-Market Fit (PMF) based on industry needs.

3. Scientific Investment Committee
Startups present their validated solution to the scientific investment committee, which provides recommendations and, if approved, offers funding to scale the startup’s solution.


At what stage would Aion Labs consider investing in my company?

Can you lead a round?

Will you join a round?

How much equity do you take?

Would all pharma partners participate in the investment?

Why should I consider adding Aion Labs as an investor in my company?

Do you invest in digital health companies?

Let's connect

If you’re not sure where you fit in but you have a strong computational background and desire to solve big problems in drug development, get in touch